Miss. Bella Vita

Hello, and welcome to Bella Vita 101! I want to thank you for coming across my blog whether someone sent you or you happened to stumble upon it. The goal of this blog is to document my journey of weight gain. Through much research I realized there are plenty of websites for those who want to loose weight, but what about those of us who want to gain weight?! It dawned on me that maybe creating a blog about my own journey would help someone else in need, and behold…Bella Vita 101 was born.

For those of you who do not know me, my name is Trudy and I am the face behind Bella Vita 101. I am a Vietnamese Asian American born and raised in the colorful state of Colorado. My dreams and aspirations are fueled through the opportunities my parents have given me. With their hard work and dedicated I am University educated, and always willing to go after my dreams. I’m blessed with the experiences I have gained through my life and the journeys I will continue to walk. I hope that this blog brings you guidance and support through your goals because as long as you put your mind to it, ANYTHING is possible!


Miss. Bella Vita


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