Ditch the Scale!

The biggest factor I learned from beginning this journey is to “ditch the scale” and embrace your beauty through your beliefs. I learned to not relie on a number to tell me that I’m what society believes to be perfect because honestly, there is NO such thing as perfect unless YOU view yourself as PERFECT. The journey of my weight gain is not because I feel that I’m too skinny, or that I want to please the world; it is because I want to change myself for me. Whether you are average, curvy, or thin, you must be comfortable in your skin. When you’re comfortable in your skin no one’s opinion nor the scale will define how you look, I promise you that.

The reason why I tell you this is because I stepped on a scale everyday hoping that the number will go up or down….but, sometimes it just didn’t even move up or down. It’s a number that will haunt you at the back of your mind, causing you stress every single day if you aren’t at your desired goal. That stress then brings lack of sleep, binge/constant eating, emotional distress, and many other disastrous problems. I know this isn’t going to be easy, but can you do it?! Of course you can!! Whether you’re gaining or loosing weight, you can do it because I have faith in you! Let’s get off that scale and judge ourselves for what we believe and NOT what society/media portrays beauty to be.

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