Happy New Year!

The year has definitely flown by and my biggest goal of weight gain became unattainable due to being ill. But, all in all a wonderful year to look back upon. This year I was blessed to travel not only in the United States, but also outside of it. I have made memories to last me a lifetime.

The biggest take away from the year is to continue to strive for goals even when you get knocked down. I believe that it’s the journey that matters most, because you learn so much as you get to your final destination. Resolutions do not have to be made the first of the year, but they are made whenever you’re ready to reach a desired goal. Don’t feel that the cliche New Years resolution is when you can start a new!

With recovering very well from food poisoning, I am glad to be able to step back into obtaining my goal. I have been eating healthy, and rewarding myself with chocolate/ice-cream along the way. Unfortunately, I do not know how long it will take to get me back on the Serious Mass, but I’m going to do it very slowly.

However, this next year will definitely be a challenge to achieve my weight gain goal as it will be my very last semester in school (lots of stress), but always a new door to open at the end of the chapter. I’m excited to see what the year holds for me as I was blessed with a free Caribbean cruise, another semester towards my BA, and amazing new/old friends/family to help me along my journey.

My wish to you for the New Year is to continue to strive towards your biggest desires. You can obtain anything you set your mind to, and keep in mind it takes 21 days to break old habits or to make new ones. Go out there and break all that your little heart desires!

– xoxo Miss Bella Vita 101

Set back….

I have battled food poisoning this week and lost all my gains. I’m really upset, but understand it is a bump in the road. For the last few days I have not eaten and I’m glad I can at least hold down liquids.

At the moment I will be halting my Serious Mass use because I got sick off of milk… This really breaks my heart, but it’s better to recover fully than upsetting my body. Please bear with me as I will post more when I’m back on track.

Where do you start?

With weight gain or loss, the biggest question is, “where do I start to achieve my goals?”

Well…the question then becomes, do you want to achieve your goal in a healthy or unhealthy manner? The biggest solution to weight gain is obviously to eat more calories, but honestly that’s easier said than done for most, just like it would be for weight loss.

You could take the unhealthy route eating fast food, takeout, sweets, and drinking sugar (sodas/juices). Would I recommend it? Absolutely, NOT! I was at my desired weight once, but I achieved it in an unhealthy manner. I ate out every Tuesday with my friends, had unhealthy amounts of potato chips, candy, ice-cream, and even ate later than you should. Eventually my body took a toll and I became extremely tired, and unmotivated. If you feel that this is the only method that works for you, then be aware of the health conditions and complications that come with it. If you want see the effects watch Jennifer Molter’s 12 week challenge in gaining weight to provide her vlog experience in loosing the weight she forced herself to gain.

We both would suggest (not that I’m speaking for Jennifer) you do it in a healthy manner by increasing your protein intake. You can use a calorie counting method, and ensure you’re eating 500+ more calories than you’re required. These proteins can be found in eggs, chicken, fish, peanut butter, etc. This is fairly easier because you can decide what you like to eat and intake more. But, also be sure to add your grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, etc.

But, with the increase in protein you must remember to eat a balanced diet. Remember, the most important meal of the day is BREAKFAST. Do your best not to skip it because your body has been idle for 8 hours feeding off the last meal you’ve eaten. If you have a hard time eating breakfast, I definitely understand that. I myself do not like eating breakfast, but I do force myself to make it a habit.

That also brings me to discuss how I personally eat, I’m the type of person who cannot intake more food unless I’m craving it. I’ve tried different methods to intake the calories I’m required to take, but many of them become too much or too sweet for me. With being a student still my income is limited but, it’s allowed me to look at other options. I’ve tried to eat more, making homemade shakes, eating more peanut butter, Whey proteins, Creatine, Ensure, and now I’m using mass gainers (a type of protein). I’m working on reviews to explain what worked and what did not. But, remember what works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

During this journey when you decide which route you will take it will be much easier to break down. Hopefully what I share with you may be of some assistance.

Ditch the Scale!

The biggest factor I learned from beginning this journey is to “ditch the scale” and embrace your beauty through your beliefs. I learned to not relie on a number to tell me that I’m what society believes to be perfect because honestly, there is NO such thing as perfect unless YOU view yourself as PERFECT. The journey of my weight gain is not because I feel that I’m too skinny, or that I want to please the world; it is because I want to change myself for me. Whether you are average, curvy, or thin, you must be comfortable in your skin. When you’re comfortable in your skin no one’s opinion nor the scale will define how you look, I promise you that.

The reason why I tell you this is because I stepped on a scale everyday hoping that the number will go up or down….but, sometimes it just didn’t even move up or down. It’s a number that will haunt you at the back of your mind, causing you stress every single day if you aren’t at your desired goal. That stress then brings lack of sleep, binge/constant eating, emotional distress, and many other disastrous problems. I know this isn’t going to be easy, but can you do it?! Of course you can!! Whether you’re gaining or loosing weight, you can do it because I have faith in you! Let’s get off that scale and judge ourselves for what we believe and NOT what society/media portrays beauty to be.